Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What else is there to say?


tisha said...

Hey Sharon ~ WOW! You and Jeff have been very busy. Very impressive. I love the blog and I'm still following YOU! Looking forward to more updates.


Shandy said...

See, this is the problem with telling people you have a blog. You have to put something on it! I guess I'd better get crackin'.

Love the picture of Jolly! Corgis are Jeff's absolute favorite dog, so I'm sure we'll have one someday. I lean towards a Great Dane, myself, so that should be . . . interesting.

earthangel said...

All I can say is I'll read anything you write any time you have time to write it! Can't wait for more!

Shandy said...

The pressure, the pressure! No, really, I do mean to post more. I just need to get caught up in my real house before I focus on my virtual one.