Sunday, March 29, 2009

Recipe Basics Sheet

One of my goals for 2009 was the creation of a "Recipe Basics Sheet," the model for which came from the Angry Chicken blog (link to the left over there). This is a single cheat-sheet with 11 recipes that I make fairly often. I know generally how to make them, but the exact ingredients or oven temps and times may get jumbled in my tiny brain. I'm sure it will undergo many changes over time, but it's nice to have a start on being more efficient in the kitchen.

I'll be posting some pictures of the garden as soon as it turns sunny again. This weekend's crazy wind was a killer, but most everything survived intact. The pea plants and zucchini are flowering, there must be 5 dozen different tomatoes working, and we have our first cucumber babies! This is my third or forth time planting cukes but the first time to ever get an actual cucumber on the vine. Very exciting here in Florida's prime growing months.

Happy spring! As always, click on the pic if you want to see a larger version.


tisha said...

How absolutely ingenious! I love it and will start on my planner this weekend. Hope all is well!

Shandy said...

It's pretty nifty, really. See how useful these blog things can be? Jeff also received a program in a bundle called "Sous Chef" that helps you organize recipes and, I think, will post them to your blog if you want. It might be a really easy way to share new dishes. I'll have to try that later and see if it works. Nothing like sharing a great meal with others!